About Us
Harmony Development Cooperative LLC began in 2006.

Harmony Developments vision is to maintain a economic and enviromentally sustainable approach to development in all phases of our projects.
We moved to the wet mountain Valley the spring of 2002. With the intention to homestead and create a sustainable life. We broke ground on our earthship home that summer and our dreams began being built right than and there. We learned so much in the process. Rob had many years of residential and commercial construction under his belt so our intense experience of building this unique and sustainable home lead us to pursue a life of well intended building practices.
Since then we have proudly built many homes, additions and remodels in the Westcliffe and Wet Mountain Valley.
Our company works to the customers needs, while maximizing the most efficient methods of construction,
i.e. enviromental impact and local conditions.
The homes that we have developed range from cabins to modern solar homes, mountain log, ranch style and southwest.(garages, barns, out buildings)
The remodels include solar additions, commerical, (restaurant, pubic pool, local theater), interior finishings, (custom floors and walls), fix and repair. (insurance damange claims).
The green buildings include greenhouses, earthships,
solar additions and any design that allows for energy efficiency.
Enjoy the photo's and call us with your ideas,
we can help you with your design.